Monday, October 1, 2012

PowerPoint (Hmm...)

This past assignment really got me thinking, which is why I choose to insert “Hmmm…” in my title.  We were asked to create a PowerPoint that would supplement a lesson.  It wasn’t a direct teaching tool, but something that could be interactive.  At first, I had some difficulty understanding what exactly was being asked.  But after I asked a few questions, and listened to those that were being asked by my classmates, I began to piece this project together.  In our PowerPoint we were to cover a standard or standards established by the state of Pennsylvania for our subject area; there didn’t seem like a better place to start then on their website.

I am studying to be a middle level science teacher, and I’m highly interested in environment and ecology.  I scrolled aimlessly through the website for a bit, pausing to stare at the screen read anything that sparked my interest.  This is when I stumbled upon “watersheds,” specifically, the five major watersheds in Pennsylvania.  It was something that apparently all sixth grade science students must know, but I couldn’t name all of them, so I figured this would be a great learning experience.  Not only about PowerPoint, but about Pennsylvania watersheds.

My investigation began with a Google search of “5 major watersheds in Pennsylvania;” turns out there are six.  Who knew?  Can YOU name them?  I had most of the information I needed, now I needed to decide what to do with it.  I always appreciated a nice review before an exam, so that is what I decided to design.  I wanted my PowerPoint to be used as a quick review of previous lessons before students would be assessed.  Basic question and answer seemed easy enough, although quite boring, so I added a few pictures and even a video (which I tried to embed, but ended up just hyperlinking).  I have little experience with PowerPoint, I know the basics, and I’ve made basic presentations for various classes, but definitely nothing extravagant.  I decided to play around with different animations on words, that was fun, I never knew there were so many options.  In the end, I was pretty impressed with my short but sweet little PowerPoint review.  I had branched out of my comfort zone and attempted things with the program that I had never done before (probably because I didn’t realize they were even an option).

And then came presentations.  Piece. Of. Cake.  I have taken two public speaking courses and although it sometimes bothers me to stand in front of large audiences, I found our small group to be no problem.  I also really enjoyed seeing everyone else’s PowerPoint.  Other members of my group had included even more aspects that I had not even thought about.  The presentations included wonderful graphics, sounds, and a bit of humor (which I thoroughly enjoyed)! 

All in all I thought it was a great learning experience.  I eased a bit further out of my technological comfort zone, and gained a lot of respect for anyone who puts together an outstanding presentation (it really is SO MUCH work).  PowerPoint is definitely something I want to work with more and learn more about.  I think it would best suit me to take an additional technology course or courses (possibly through an Apple Store, I think they do that, I should look into it).  I enjoy our class now, and feel as though I’m learning a lot, but I wish the class size were smaller in order to provide more one-on-one instruction.  Although it is flattering for some to assume that because I am a young woman with glasses I must know a lot about computers, that could not be further from the truth.  I hope to learn more and more throughout the semester, but for now I am happy with my hyperlinked video and falling words.

End Note: This is the most that I have ever typed for a blog in my life.  IN MY LIFE.  To check out more about me with less words and more pictures (yay!) click here.

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